Citizens for a Safe
Golden Gate Bridge©
Our goal is to inform our
community of the dangers that existed on the undivided lanes of the world
most famous bridge.
The "Golden Gate Bridge."
"Click On My Chair"
This could happen to you...!
The Golden Gate Bridge and Highway District has
prolong traffic control for more than 41 years now, since 1960, prior to
the present system of plastic cones... In early 1960, Ms. Lucile.
Fessenden Dandelet of San Anselmo was an advocate for a lighted lane
marker system that is used at San Francisco International Airport. Ms.
Dandelet ask that they be tested and used on the span of the Golden Gate
Bridge, rather than the proposed "Arches To Give Golden Gate Bridge
New Look" prepared "Sverdrup and Parcel Engineering Co. of San
Francisco. At present, the public only account for a $3.00 toll
and no more...
Please be advised, that you could end-up in a
wheel chair, or even death, by driving on undivided lanes of the
Golden Gate Bridge under present conditions...
to the debility of the Board of Directors and the lack of power that
the "Building & Operations Committee" have illustrated, they
refuse to commit to any safety issues of any kind…This has gone on to
long. Its time for "BSI" Movable Median Traffic Barrier,
now, to stop all head-on collisions. Also, we concur that the suicide deterrent (Z-Clip) system
has been talked about for 50 years now.
And the "Newest" safety measure to date on the Golden
Gate Bridge, is that of the “Public Safety Railing.” These safety issues have been on
the table for many, and many of years now, and need to be addressed.
Citizen for a Safe Golden Gate Bridge is trying to protect all who drive,
walk and bicycle across this vital link between San Francisco and Marin
Counties. It's
time for the Golden Gate Bridge-Board of No-Directors to become directors
and start to direct the bridge manager Celia Kupersmith & the “New
District Engineer to commence to the safety issues at hand. How long
should we wait-for another 40 years, or so... Please, contact the Golden
Gate Bridge District, or me at
voice your opinion.

The car is traveling at a twenty-two
angle at 60 mph.

As you can see, there is little damage to the
car from hitting the barrier, and your life was spared...

"It's a
red-letter day," said Nancy Read, a bridge board member from
Petaluma. "It's the right thing to do, to prevent
crossover accidents, to make the most beautiful bridge in the world
the safest." Director Nancy Read & President Fraser with channel
4-news anchor Anthony Moore; upper-right photograph (The Press Democrat, May 23, 1998) |
Golden Gate Bridge, one of the world's most impressive and beautiful
structures, is also one
of the most dangerous.
Each day thousands of vehicles pass in both directions on a single level
span that has no permanent traffic dividers. Instead, plastic yellow cones
separate oncoming lanes of traffic. Periodically, a crew moves these cones
from one lane to another to adjust the number of lanes to better
accommodate commuters in each direction during the rush hour traffic.
to say, the bridge is the site of numerous head-on collisions that have
resulted in disfigurement and death.
various resolutions: Res. 85-293 passed by the Board of Directors and with
the installation of the orthographic deck with trapezoidal ribs in the
80's the "Bridge District created what is now being called
"Design Immunity." Deeming the bridge may never have a movable
traffic barrier on its road surface. Design Immunity is a lawyer’s ploy
to stifle the jurors and judge. In the mid 80s' the bridge district
contacted Professor Wolfgang Homburger of the University of Berkley
Traffic Institute of Transportation who rejected the preliminary
engineering report for the bridge districts Conclusion for a No
Barrier. "Design Immunity, could be used in the district's
defense even after the movable traffic barrier and the suicide deterrent
are installed...
Through the years, there have been thirty-five
deaths stemming from thirty-eight head-on collisions. The public has cried
out for some type of barrier on the Golden Gate Bridge span and exhibited
much concern for more than five decades. Many independent inventors have
designed movable barrier and have approached the Bridge District directly
with no success. With a multitude of movable barrier designs that could
have been used on the road surface, all barrier concepts failed; thereby
the barrier issue was put to sleep and never addressed until now, 1995.
The Golden Gate Bridge,
Highway & Transportation District Board is made-up of members of
nineteen board of directors, from six counties. (2) Marin, (4) San
Francisco, Board of Supervisors members, (10) prominent businessmen and
woman (1) Mayor, (1) organized labor executive secretary, and (1) Labor's
union rep.
Citizens for a Safe
Golden Gate Bridge inform you the Citizens of the Bay Area Counties
concerning the issue of a movable barrier and the undivided lanes on your
world famous bridge, The Golden Gate Bridge. The issue of a movable median
traffic barrier on the span is not a new concept, and has been on the
minds of thousands of people for more than five decades. Citizens for a
Safe Golden Gate Bridge is helping by sharing as much information as
possible such as; legal documents, information, news articles, and
personal tribulation of victims and their head-on collisions on the Golden
Gate Bridge or Doyle Drive, as well as information regarding any new
proposals to the district on movable median barrier's and their designs.
On June 27, 1996, at the Administration
Offices of the Bridge District, Citizens for a Safe Golden Gate Bridge
Organization, and many individual citizens demanded that the Golden Gate
Bridge District Board of Directors install a movable median traffic safety
barrier to eliminate all head-on collisions on the span, and to take
action today.
Citizens for a Safe Golden Gate Bridge
Committee expressed & asked the Bridge District for: |
- The enforcement of
the 45 mph speed limit.
- A no-lane change policy.
- CHP Bike patrol on sidewalk
during commute hours with the use of high-speed radar &
"As you can see, time is running-out"
As of March, 2001 the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway &
Transportation District has stalled all progress with any related safety
items such as: The Movable Median Traffic Barrier, A suicide Deterrent
(Z-Clip Barrier) System, and A Public Handrail between the curb lane and
the sidewalk. The Bridge District opted for the "FasTrak
for money, rather than any safety equipment for your life...
would like to thank everyone for your time and support on this vital issue
of public safety needed for the Golden Gate Bridge. You may send our
organization E-mail at:
rmgbabbitt@sbcglobal.net or
write to us care of: Citizens for a Safe Golden Gate Bridge...
46 Elm Avenue...San Anselmo, CA...94960-2210...Phone: 415-456-3792,
ask for Robert.
Respectfully submitted:
Robert M. Guernsey
Founder and Chairman of the Board and Directors:
Sarah G. Guernsey VP
* Director Frank Schweiger
* Director Danna Kirkbride
* Director John P. Ehlen, P.E.
Mining Specialist
Director Alexandra F. Ehlen
Volunteer: Henry H. Guernsey III
Volunteers: Bernard & Shayne Bialkin

Special thanks go to to our "Technical Adviser" Laurie Johnson
for her dedication in making this web site political correct...

web site was solely designed, and developed by: Robert M. Guernsey.
The title: "Citizens for a Safe Golden Gate Bridge" is the
sole property of Robert M. Guernsey & Associates. All
material used within this web site, is public information, documents, records,
and news media articles. This web site is open to the public
and its information. This cyber web site is one form of "The
Freedom of Information Act" and "The Freedom of Speech
Act” All rights reserved.
© Copyright 1989-2001 |